Why Rich Media Works

Look at Me! Click Me! Why Rich Media Works

Do you remember how Alice in Wonderland drinks when told to “drink me” and eats when instructed “eat me”? Wouldn’t it be great if consumers would do this for our businesses ads?

Well, we can’t use Wonderland magic, but we can use Rich Media tools to prompt the consumer to respond the way we want them to.

Click-Me Buttons

A prominent button is a great way to demand a response from the consumer. It just seems to cry out “click me!” You can use buttons to direct the consumer to a scheduler or a form. Like a worm on a hook, it may get the fish to bite. If it gets a new visitor to your site and into your funnel, you are on your way to a sale.

Look-at-Me Banners

We’ve all seen these banners that just seem to say “look at me!” A typical banner ad shifts from one picture to the next, showing you current specials. An automotive dealership shows you the latest models. A restaurant website displays pictures of their most delicious dishes. It’s an immersive banner, that is definitely shouting “look at me”, and holding the consumers attention.

Take-Overs, Tear-Backs and Floaters

Tear-backs, floaters and take-overs are other ways that a website can shout “Click me! Look at me!” The take-over is simply an ad or a form that comes up when the viewer opens the webpage. They must look at it long enough to decide to close the ad. A floater is an ad that moves with the viewer as they scroll down the page. Again, they must decide to interact when they close it. A tear-back asks them to click to see what’s underneath.

Put Rich Media to Work for You

As you surf the web, watch for these and other rich media tricks. See which ones you like and which ones might work for your business.

You can find out more ideas from the team at Elivate. We can manage individual aspects of your online presence or provide a complete package of services to help your business grow. Contact us to learn more.

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