Videos: Two Purposes, One Goal

The overall goal of an online video is, of course, selling your product or services and raising your profile. However, many business managers don’t realize that each online video actually serves two purposes.

Of course, modern videos are expected to engage potential customers. It’s less obvious, but equally important, that these videos can provide valuable data to improve a business’ online marketing presence.

At Elivate, we can fill one or both roles for your business. Our creative marketing team handles video content creation, and our click-through marketing experts watch the numbers.

Video Content Creation

When you have a story to tell or a product to push, a consistent, attractive video can draw the viewer in. This video doesn’t have to be expensive to accomplish its goals. Your business just need interesting graphics, simple, but colorful language, and an effective call to action.

Elivate can provide quality videos that pack a punch. Our creative team handles all aspects, including script writing, voice over, animation, and video editing.

Response Rate Monitoring

When we post a video for a client, the Elivate team asks: How many people clicked on the ad? How many stayed? How long did they stay?

All of these things are measurable. Scientific application of this data to the overall marketing plan helps refine the message going forward.

Put creativity to work for you. Find out about Elivate’s incredible video creating services.

To learn more about video response rate monitoring, talk to the Elivate team about the ways we can help improve your online presence. Contact us today.

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