Four Keys to Making the Internet Work For Your Local Business

There are some keys to running a successful website that will benefit your brick-and-mortar business. Let’s take a look at some of the ways that a business can get ahead in today’s incredibly complex world.

1. Modern Website

Today’s modern website may be out of date in a year. It is worth it to have an expert eye who watches over your website, updating it as necessary. You need someone who pays attention to the latest developments in design and user experience. You’ll need continuous monitoring of your SEO and other ranking factors to make sure you are bringing consumers to your website.

2. The Right Content

Content should be regularly updated for the sake of your SEO rankings and to keep your visitors engaged. Your content should include SEO terms and yet interesting and accessible to your audience. This needs to be a mix of regular and local SEO to make sure the search engines find you. Toward that same goal, search engine landing pages can be used to advertise specials even as they are used to create more SEO content to please the search algorithm. If you are wondering if your website has the right SEO content, Elivate can do a free marketing analysis and give you valuable feedback.

3. Videos

Videos can add another aspect to your online presence. Done well, simple graphics and exciting text engage the customer on your site. These videos can promote a specific action or expand your name recognition. At Elivate, we produce many videos for our clients. They are affordable and yet incredibly effective at delivering a message.

4. Google My Business

To improve your rankings in Google, it helps to be listed on the Google My Business. This may be the best news for a brick-and-mortar business because internet-only businesses don’t get the same exposure. Of course, you’ll want to do your listing the right way and not violate any of their rules, but this system can help you get found for local online searches.

Ask the team at Elivate how your brick-and-mortar business can benefit from a better online presence. We serve many local businesses, and we can help yours grow. Contact Elivate for more information.

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